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Our first shirt Design

Having heart surgery is rough. One of the best things to do for recovery is walking. Normally they start making the kids walk like a day or two after surgery. Usually the kids are not thrilled about this. They are in pain, they are still hooked up to multiple IVs and monitors. They are still all freaked out from having to go through their procedure and be stuck in the ICU. It's just no fun. Our first design was inspired by one of these tough kiddos walking around the hospital late at night with their machines and medication.

These kids are warriors!

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Spread Awareness

Nearly 1 in 100 babies is born with a heart defect in the United States each year. These families are thrown into the crazy world of CHD. There are lots of unknown timelines and risky decisions on this journey. Our goal is to spread awareness and build a community of Cardiac Families that support each other and embrace the CHD lifestyle.

These are the toughest kids on the planet, be proud of them. Support your Warrior!

Get merch designed by Michael!

Michael's Warrior Tee was designed by our own Heart Warrior; Michael Phillips (age 10).

Go rock this epic design and Support Your Warriors!